== Gordon Tian ==

Hi there! I'm Gordon. I started this site so that I could have a place to host my work and post helpful resources for other artists and designers.

If you consider yourself a beginner and you're wondering how to get started, please checkout the "perspective" page, and then go from there.

The Logic of Three Point Perspective

Finally, we’ve arrived at the last of the perspective grid explanation series. I may do a thing on curvilinear perspective later on, and we’ll definitely be looking closer at vanishing points at some point, but for now I just want to get this basic vanishing point stuff out of the way so that we could get going on building stuff with what we’ve learned. Okay, here we go! Let’s look at our setup for this particular demonstration: Read more...

The Logic of Two Point Perspective

Welcome back! When we left off last time, we had just finished getting super deep into explaining one point perspective. It was way more information than necessary for most, to be honest, but I think actually understanding the ins and outs of how it works is kind of cool. Today, we’ll take a similar approach to two point perspective. Let’s start by examining a brand new setup of our trusty camera and sticks: Read more...

The Logic of One Point Perspective

Now that we’ve looked at the very basics of perspective, let’s move on to vanishing points. In this section, we’ll build on top of what we discussed here to figure out how vanishing points work and (more importantly) how to use them. Let’s have a look at a very basic scene. I’ve lined a bunch of sticks , all of the same height, up in a grid. And this is what it looks like from the side. Read more...

A Gentle Introduction to Perspective

A lot of students find perspective difficult. This isn’t unexpected, because most sources actively try to be as confusing as possible. Just look at some of these “helpful” diagrams: This stuff… …HURTS… …to look at. I swear that whoever drew these diagrams made them as complicated as possible on purpose in order to pump their ego. They’re the worst. It’s impossible to learn anything from them. When I was learning this material it was a total slog and it left me with massive headaches. Read more...
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